Retail and Ecommerce
Ecommerce automation and systems

E-commerce and retail warehouse automation

There are very few sectors as dynamic and fast-paced as retail. E-commerce is driving retailers to make their supply chain as slick as possible in order to meet home delivery, next day and even same day delivery promises.

Retail and Ecommerce

And change is constant with technologies developing at an exponential rate and customers’ demands becoming more complex. Developments such as auto-replenishment, hyper-convenience and greener distribution will all encourage the industry to work smarter and push the boundaries.

Returns conveyor
Warehouse conveyors

Drive efficiency improvements

Warehouse automation is one area that can help improve the efficiency of e-commerce logistic’s operations and also drive down costs. Automation allows you to increase productivity throughput from goods-in to dispatch, whilst improving the accuracy of inventory management processes and all with a smaller workforce.

Keymas has worked with many retailers, including Argos, B&M, Adidas and Tool Station to help them automate their warehouse operations and deliver sustainable efficiency improvements.

Our range of retail warehouse automation solutions includes:

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We can provide expert advice and bring our knowledge and experience to your project.

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Warehouse software led automation solutions