The world of logistics is changing, and rapidly at that. Every day new and innovative technological ideals are coming to fruition and providing us with the means to create a better system of transport and delivery. Ideas that were once only found in science fiction are fast becoming science fact. We have so much amazing and complex technology in our hands and with it we are able to pave the future for things like driverless cars and drone delivery services. The future of logistics is not only strong but it’s also incredibly bright and exciting.
Amazon was all over the headlines when it announced its future plans for drone delivery and even produced an advertisement demonstrating it in action. It is planned to be able to give same day delivery along with a smooth and efficient service. Since then, a number of companies have expressed their plans to use them, and several are already testing their features.
Of course there is scepticism and doubt about drone delivery, and it faces several important questions with regards to security and the safe delivery of items, but it is a very possible part of our future. At the moment, however, it looks to be a form of delivery that will serve remote areas and emergency supply deliveries at least to start.
Time frame: 2 – 3 years
3D Printing
The whole concept of 3D printing is amazing, and in recent years it has taken huge leaps forward in terms of its applications and success – people have even built houses with them. They have the ability to print any part required from almost any material, including metals and human tissue.
The parts created are fully functioning and would completely eliminate the need for the delivery of said parts as companies could just manufacture them themselves. While potentially bad news for the drivers, this innovative technology could change the whole manufacturing industry.
Time frame: 3 – 5 years
Driverless Vehicles
Many companies are already looking into the concept of driverless vehicles for use in several roles, varying from warehouse operations to the delivery runs themselves. They would be capable of running and driving without human input as they go, having their own sensors so that they can navigate and understand the road around them. These vehicles could greatly reduce the number of accidents on the road, making them safer, and would also greatly reduce costs.
Time frame: 3 – 5 years
The Internet of Things (IoT)
The fascinating piece of technology allows electronic devices to communicate without human intervention or input using an existing internet infrastructure. It is expected to increase speed, decrease waste, and reduce costs if it is implemented by logistics companies. Many of them feel that this technology will have a tremendously positive effect on their businesses. Some companies are already using machine-to-machine technology and plan to deploy these more advanced forms in the near future.
Time frame: Now
Growth of Multi-Channel
It was only a few years ago that most people owned shops and had no online presence. Of course, this has all changed in recent years, with most businesses becoming multi-channel ones – where they are available in various forms (physically and digitally). This has been great news for logistics companies, with a huge increase in deliveries from online stores and outlets. It’s growing every day, especially with the surge in online sales and the demand for more business online.
Time frame: Now
End to End Visibility
This is the key to becoming a more outside-in enterprise. By implementing visibility and creating collaboration solutions, you can gain end-to-end supply chain visibility – a goal for process industry companies. Enterprises are able to gain significant benefits from collaborating with their supply chain trading partners through related networks.
This fantastic relationship between the company and those delivering means that there are higher order fulfilment rates, improved levels of customer service, higher revenue growth, and the potential for higher profit. This speedy and well connected relationship means that both ends benefit from the service and the visibility that results from it.
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