Image-based barcode readers v laser scanners
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Image-based barcode readers v laser scanners


Every day laser barcode scanning systems are used by businesses across the world to support effective warehouse automation operations.

But like every technology, barcode scanners are beginning to be superseded by more advanced equipment, and in this case the image-based barcode reader has come to the fore.

With imager scanners becoming more mainstream we thought we’d produce a whitepaper to provide a lowdown on their current functionality, relevant applications and benefits over traditional barcode readers.

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What are Image-based Barcode Readers?

Computers have advanced to the stage that they can now “see” – or, in other words, recognise specific patterns and objects within images. This ability to automatically extract information from digital images is called ‘machine vision’.

Machine vision is much more than simply processing an image.  Instead it takes visual data captured by highly advanced camera technology and uses specialised algorithms to extract useful information. This information is then used to guide the actions of industrial equipment.

The concept of machine vision has been adapted to design image-based barcode scanners. These can scan products inline on a conveyor, and based on the data interrogation, either sort the goods, guide their movement around the warehouse, or simply pass or fail them for quality control purposes.


What are the Benefits of Image Scanning?

The benefits of traditional barcode readers are well documented – take a look at our infographic as a reminder.  Whilst image scanners sound very similar to traditional laser scanners, the advanced data capture possibilities of image scanners offer a number of key benefits and open up a wealth of new applications. These include:

2D scanning

Image-based readers offer the ability to scan 2D symbols (such as a QR code), stacked symbologies and optical character recognition (OCR) – and therefore process larger quantities of data than linear barcode scanners.

Higher read rates

Whilst linear barcode readers rely on good quality barcodes and ideal reading conditions, image-based scanners successfully read codes degraded by damage, orientation or distortion.  The analysis software simply reconstructs the missing data using any legible portion of the image.

Barcode verification

Image scanners can verify the quality of barcodes against industry standards, ensuring they pass prior to them leaving the warehouse.  They can also warn when barcodes are degrading to prevent fails prior to them happening.

Product quality control

Taking image scanning to the next level, machine vision technology can be used for a wide range of product and packaging inspection applications including:

  • Inspecting the colour of products
  • Checking the fill level of liquids in bottles
  • Detecting product label defects
  • Alerting when components are missing
  • Ensuring the correct size and measurement of products.


For a more detailed insight into image-based barcode readers please download our white paper here .


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