Keymas News and Insights

Keymas implements successful warehouse control to UCH Logistics with K-Store

April 23rd, 2015

Working with UCH, Keymas offered a tailored version of it’s advanced warehouse management system, K-Store

Extend the life of your incline conveyor belts with Keymas controls.

April 23rd, 2015

Incline belt conveyors are very often a critical piece of equipment within a warehouse, if they develop a problem it can result in total shutdown of operations with heavy financial implications.
Many incline belts are running for 12 hours a day 6 days a week which means maintenance is very important. Keymas offer a full maintenance package for conveyors to prevent these issues but in addition we recommend product sensors and intelligent control to prevent accidental overloading or permanent running which will drastically reduce the working life.

Keymas – Large enough to handle your solution, Small enough to care for you!