The revolution in warehouse management
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The revolution in warehouse management

Over time we have seen a dramatic charge in the way warehouses are managed. Developments in technology have meant that businesses are now able to manage their stock much more efficiently and meet the high demands of orders that come in through various channels including online sales.

Looking back at warehouse management

In the past warehouses were not full of all of the advanced technology we are so used to seeing today. Instead everything was done manually. Rather than having computerised inventories, warehouse staff would use paper filing systems to keep a record of every product stocked in a particuler warehouse. Obviously these records needed to be constantly updated as deliveries came in and products were shipped out.

The job of a warehouse worker was much more labour intensive. Products had to be physically picked by people reading hand written picking lists and tickets. Obviously with people picking products by hand it meant that warehouses had to be organised so that all products were in reach. Having a more labour-intensive workforce meant that companies were more prone to human errors and were not capable of producing the same levels of output that the advanced technology aids us in doing today.

Modern day warehouse management

Today most companies use advanced technology systems to help them run and manage the various operations taking place in their warehouses. Pretty much everything is computerised, though there is still a need for workers, but nowhere near as many as would be required in the past. Inventories are now stored on computers and are usually linked up to a company’s ERP or order management software. This enables them to be automatically updated as products are sold in-store or via a company’s website.

The process of picking is also automated using barcoding and conveyor systems which transport packaging to various stations around a warehouse. More often than not warehouse employees use handheld barcode readers, scanners and even voice recognition technology to help them pick products, identify what’s in stock and send messages back to the order management software.

Advantages of automated warehouse systems

One of the greatest advantages of automated warehouse systems is that they allow businesses to increase their capacity and output. Warehouses run much more efficiently than in the past and there is a reduced risk of human errors being made. With an increasing number of people choosing to shop online, it is now more important than ever for businesses to automate their warehouses in order to keep up with demand. Conveyor belts, picking systems and barcode readers enable companies to efficiently pick and pack their customers’ orders, whilst automatically updating their order management software, in-store till systems and online websites.

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Warehouse software led automation solutions