Barcode scanning solutions using mobile handheld or wearable computers improve the accuracy of hands-on warehouse processes (compared to paper) by requiring a positive scan confirmation of every location or product as items are picked or moved. These ‘RF systems’ also eliminate the data entry and paper-handling tasks associated with paper-based processes.
Keymas offer software solutions with handheld or wearable devices as a solution for order picking and warehouse management. One big advantage of simple scanner based process is if stock is required to be moved / repositioned – with today’s need to be flexible and have a warehouse facility which can offer a fast turn around of goods – having the ability to move stock around due to continue customer requirements means a simple method to reposition / move stock is becoming as important as picking the correct item and what could be simpler then pointing/scanning a location and selecting the move stock menu and then pointing / scanning the new required location.
Some companies offer pick to voice over scanning process with the following reasons normally mentioned. Here are our answers:
Heads-Up Improves Accuracy and Safety – With voice, users never have to look down at a terminal screen to get information – their eyes stay focused on the work they are doing.
Our thoughts – This however, ignores the reduced social interaction which although initially was considered to be a distraction – does potentially make them whole picking an insular dry process, as pickers must concentrate on speaking to the computer.
Also with regard to training the regional or national accent may require more training then required with simple point at a barcode…..
Two Hands Free Is More Productive – Voice users never have to juggle a scanner while trying to grab and move items, so they can grab, lift and move items more efficiently, saving time in every pick and move.
Our thoughts – With a wareable scanner the picker always has two hands….
Ease of Use and Training. Depending on the solution, training time may increase when moving from paper due to the need to educate workers on how to use an unfamiliar piece of equipment, in addition to learning the details of the job.
Our thoughts – What could be easier when it comes to training then – point the scanner at the barcode…..
From experience of putting in many picking systems the perfered solution of mobile picking devices with K-Store (our warehouse software solution), is the best solution for automated order picking and stock control. If you would like more information, then contact us here.